we remember you to participate in 8th edition of SPIRITO DI

Contest: open to all cartoonists between 18 and 35 years old
Theme: World of WineEntries: max. 3 cartoons.
The works must be original and accompanied by the author's entry-form and biography
Size: max. 300 x 400 mm
Technique: free
Deadline: August 20, 2007
Prizes: 1st Prize: 150 bottles; 2nd Prize: 100 bottles; 3rd Prize: 50 bottles
Prize distribution: September 15, 2007
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned
The works should be sent to:Movimento Turismo del Vino – Friuli Venezia GiuliaP. le Cella 19/2133100 UDINEITALY It's possible to send the works directly via internet too (images at 300 dpi)
For any further information and communication:Segreteria Spirito di Vinophone (+39)0432-289540fax (+39)0432-294021 spiritodivino@mtvfriulivg.it
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